Sunday, July 21, 2019

Schools are the Epitome of Sexism!

Excuse my language, but if you ask me, school is the most fucked up and sexist place ever! They basically program female minds into accepting misogyny and oppression. How you may ask? Well let me give some examples.

Dress Code

Okay before everyone just thinks I'm being a typical, rebellious teenage girl who hates authority, look at the facts first. “No tight pants because it is unfair to the male teachers.” Excuse me?! It's unfair to the male teachers? This is something that has actually been said to teenage girls. One said that she was sent home because of her tight pants. If a male teacher has sexual urges when he sees an underaged girl in tight pants, then he shouldn't even be in a school building. And also when they say it's unfair to the boys. It's not our problem if they can't control their sexual urges. I heard that when dogs can't control their sexual urges, they cut off their penises. Just putting it out there...

No shorts that go higher than your knees. That is actually a rule. So what, men get boners from looking at legs? And they call us weak! So if it was a billion degrees outside, we can't wear shorts? So if we faint from being so hot who is to blame? But I'm not saying if it's hot outside that's when you can wear shorts. You can wear shorts whenever the fuck you want! You shouldn't have to make your clothing choices depending on whether it will affect men or boys in any way. 

In my school, they literally have a rule saying that our skirts aren't supposed to be three fingers above the knee. So it's our fault that the school made short skirts for whatever reason? And every assembly they check how short our skirts are. And their excuse is “we have male teachers”. Again, when dogs can't control their urges, they cut off their penises...

Our Punishments

When a girl does something wrong, they get scolded, maybe have their parents emailed. As they should. Just take responsibility for actions. But, boys don't get the punishment they deserve. I witnessed this first hand. A girl that I knew was talking about her boyfriend and my other friend did the same thing. For that they got verbal warnings and they threatened to take away privileges from the girls. But three boys wrote a letter where they happen to mention the words “has a nice pussy”, and were told not to do it again. For real though? So the moral of the story is if a girl just talks about her boyfriend, that could almost ruin things for the females. But if a boy explicitly describes a female, “Boys will be boys!” I don't think so. Boys will be held accountable for their actions just like girls are. It's only fair. 

Female Teachers Seem To Be More Skilled Than Males

Just admit it. Male teachers suck compared to female teachers. Why else do you get these movies making male teachers look so awesome and lovable? That's because they know that's not how they are in real life. For example, my last year's Science and Math teacher didn't know what the hell he was doing. Some days, he'd teach, others he'd be on his phone doing who knows what. And he'd just be grumpy as hell. Plus he hit us. Not me personally but if you don't do your homework, he would take his large ruler hand hit you. But one day someone, I don't know who, submitted a video of him doing so and he was fired. And then he was replaced with a female teacher and she was amazing! She made sure you understand and for that I got 80%. Another case is that the Pedophile teacher I posted about last time gets so much praise! The principal basically licks his butt. But the female teachers? No. They are just the looks of it. I mean all the male teachers, even the ones that came this year, get to be the head of everything. Whether it be sports or culture or something happening at school. But the female teachers are the coaches of the girl sports. And by female teachers, I mean one or two.

The point of this whole post is that school is not what it seems. It is one of the most patriarchal places ever! And the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can stop it.

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