
MenRpigs is the leading blog for douchebag-shaming by all the women who have been fed up by misogynist pigs.

If you’ve had a swinish boyfriend or husband in your life that cheated on you, abused you, mooched off of you...or simply know a misogynistic asshole, you can submit him to us to warn others: 

We live at a time that extreme misogyny is taken to another level through the internet and media. Any woman who simply speaks up against the oppression gets savaged by the degenerate douche-bros with common feminist insults...
In fact, feminists are too futilely gentle on the bastard cum-heads. Feminists come off weak to the herd of swines that have proven too dumb to understand any reasoning. That’s why feminism hasn’t worked. 
Superior women don’t need to beg for equality. The truth of the matter is that all men are pigs and inferior to women, and all the while the pigs attempt to “slut-shame” and name call the women who stand up to the swine species.
Misandry is defiance against a system that teaches men to hate us, abuse us, degrade us, undermine our history and accomplishments. Misandry is reactionary hatred. Let’s fight the fight power sister! Soon, they will wish they could turn us feminists! Get your revenge on the man-pigs!