Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My pig husband preys on other girls

Hey this is Lulu. Thank you for letting me post here. I want to vent out out about my husband, Eric. He keeps trying to get away with other women. He is an unreformable liar and seems to be a predator. I can not trust him no matter how I make him to stop his relationship with other women so just stays with me. He keeps hiding things from me.
What do I do?? I am so angry and hate him!
He destroys lives! He has destroyed the life that I wanted!
I have found his secret sex tapes! Should I put him on a blast to stop him?
He is truly a life destroying corrupt predator that everyone needs to be warned about!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Few Updates: Pig Shaming Will Go On!

You may have noticed that our dear Wonderland misandrist queen got silenced right when she was going to expose the rapist pedophile teacher’s pictures and his accounts.
She was also suffering from lusting after pigs as a result of traumas caused by the pedophiles. 

We tried to console her. We hope that she is safe and has left all men pigs for good in favor of girlfriends like our other misandrist princesses.

Her account also got deleted once the stupid pigs in Google discontinued Google+ without figuring out how to keep users’ data and history. As a result all of our comments disappeared too! 

We are working on a new pig shaming project now. I am retired from my admin duties for now. I do still receive the entertaining rape and death threats from murderous butthurt pigs! ðŸ˜‚ðŸĪĢ

So, I don’t have much time to work on this blog these days, but our guest authors are still welcome to post and blast pigs as they wish! Just send me an email. Happy pig shaming! ðŸ˜‰

All Married Men Are Pigs and Deceivers: If You're Married and Think Your Pig Is An Exception or Your Pig May change You Need A Sisterly Bat to Your Head!

"His name is Samuel Williams. He's a ginger man. Red hair, red beard and red eyebrows. Just red. His hair only highlights his beautiful ..." All Married Men Are Pigs and Deceivers...

All Men are Dirty Pigs~All Men are Rapists~All Men are Cheaters: Douglas Bosworth is a Dangerous Controlling Abuser...

Douglas Bosworth is a Dangerous Controlling Abuser...: "Douglas Bosworth- Burning Man, Sonoma County, Mojave Desert, Los Angeles. Family in San Diego. Very Dangerous. Extremely controlling and delusional. He is very talented and extremely manipulative. Likes to hold a girl against her will, choke hold, breaks one's phone...

All Men are Dirty Pigs~All Men are Rapists~All Men are Cheaters: Bruce Lyle Brian JR is an Abusive Predator Pig

Bruce Lyle Brian JR is an Abusive Predator Pig: "BEWARE of Bruce Bryan Jr,, Bruce Lyle Brian JR, aka Bruce Blacksheep, Bruce the Blacksheep in Tennessee...  Predator, Liar, ABUSIVE...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are Men Really Pigs? Or Should We Stop Insulting Pigs? 🐷

We have been reminded over and over again that subhuman men are not comparable to innocent pigs ðŸ·
Our sincere apologies to pigs ðŸ–

We agree we should just call men “dicks”…the most disgusting and useless of things. But, for now let them be flattered as if they can ever be at the level of pigs ðŸĪŠ

Oink Oink ðŸ―ðŸ―ðŸ―

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Rapist Pig Steve Johnson in New York

“Niki please post this. I am too upset to go into details about him but I need help! This pig’s name is Steve Johnson. He is a rapist and a loser old creep. He followed me to my car from work and tried to get into my car. I pushed him and told him off, but then he grabbed me and slammed me against the car and grabbed my genitals from under my skirt! I am disgusted and horrified to even remember it! I screamed and hit him and kept screaming for help. When I finally pushed him off, he sickeningly said that he was going to be back to “finish the job” and he was going to get me eventually! This slime had gotten my contacts from a co-worker he did favors for and sent me his nauseating pictures! This idiot can not get rejection and is in denial! He denied it and even told the police that I wanted him and flirted back!! Are you kidding me!? This old loser just disgusts me! How can the police not see that! The useless policemen did nothing and just told me to let them know if anything else happens! After it’s too late!He felt confident to scare me the next day so that I won’t report him to the police! I want to stab him and cut off his gross shit! Why can’t the planet be free from these men!”

Niki: These piggish men including the policemen are all in it together and let men be free to rape! They are all secretly misogynists!