Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Few Updates: Pig Shaming Will Go On!

You may have noticed that our dear Wonderland misandrist queen got silenced right when she was going to expose the rapist pedophile teacher’s pictures and his accounts.
She was also suffering from lusting after pigs as a result of traumas caused by the pedophiles. 

We tried to console her. We hope that she is safe and has left all men pigs for good in favor of girlfriends like our other misandrist princesses.

Her account also got deleted once the stupid pigs in Google discontinued Google+ without figuring out how to keep users’ data and history. As a result all of our comments disappeared too! 

We are working on a new pig shaming project now. I am retired from my admin duties for now. I do still receive the entertaining rape and death threats from murderous butthurt pigs! ðŸ˜‚🤣

So, I don’t have much time to work on this blog these days, but our guest authors are still welcome to post and blast pigs as they wish! Just send me an email. Happy pig shaming! ðŸ˜‰


  1. Hey. Can I post here? Will you add me to post about my awful husband? I sent you an email. Invite me please. Lulu.
