Thursday, January 1, 2015

What is There to Envy About the Fake Life of the Ugly Pig, Dan Bilzerian (Uday Hussein)

There’s no doubt that Dan Bilzerian is an unashamedly violent, sexist and conceivably racist man. His denial of a visa comes soon after he was thrown out of a nightclub in Miami for allegedly kicking a woman named Vanessa Castano in the face. She has since filed a police report. In response to allegations, his defense was to say that ‘I am used to doing what I want,’ and that the situation was ‘gonna go two ways, either she makes a scene like she has – or she brags about it to her slutty friends’.
Bilzerian was also recently arrested at an airport in Los Angeles for trying to make a bomb. His controversial Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts show often incredibly problematic pictures of him surrounded by groups of women, usually with offensive captions. In one post, Dan is shown to be drinking at a club with a group of women. He edited the photo so that one woman’s face has been obscured with scribbles, and the caption ‘Ugly girls hurt my eyes, you’re welcome’.
Another post shows Bilzerian firing a gun from a jeep with two half-naked women inside it, while the caption reads: ‘To all you illiterate foreigners talking shit to me in broken English… Fuck you, this is what America looks like’. I could go on, but sifting through Bilzerian’s vile Instagram account is, frankly, depressing.

Dan Bilzerian is a psychopath in disguise of a "hero player" for other pig men. Bilzerian also shares eerie similarities with psychopath son of Saddam Hussein, Uday Hussein:

UDAY HUSSEIN : Dark and hairy. Had one brother. Father served time in jail. Bad student, intimidated teachers and used daddy’s name to get good grades. Collected guns and had what many would view as an unhealthy fixation on weapons. Surrounded himself with gorgeous women he kidnapped.  Collected sports cars—Rolls Royces, Ferraris, Lamborghinis. Kept a personal zoo stocked with lions and cheetahs—Had a pet lion that mauled to death his enemies. Plastered castle walls with pics of naked, semi-clad women. Unquenchable thirst for stardom—appearing in multiple “home movies”. Known for his extreme hedonism, when U.S. troops searched Uday’s hide-outs
 they found Viagra, porn movies, heroin, an HIV testing kit and millions of dollars.

DAN BILZERIAN: Dark and Hairy. Has one brother. Father served time in jail. Kicked out of 7th grade twice, high school drop out. Collects guns and has what many would view as an unhealthy fixation on weapons. Surrounds himself with gorgeous women he (allegedly) pays. Collects sports cars—Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis. Kept tiger sharks in his swimming pool and had a Bengal tiger as a pet—pet tiger bit some poor chick on her breast. Plasters Instagram with pics of naked, semi-clad women. Unquenchable thirst for stardom—buying time on Hollywood movies. Known for his extreme hedonism, Dan has an appetite for booze, cocaine, porn stars, fine wine, cigars and millions of dollars in the bank.

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