Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Benefits of MasterDating

Masturdating (verb):
 1. The act of doing activities, usually performed in relationships, with oneself.
2. Dating yourself

I have been an asexual for my entire life now, and I haven't realized how amazing and stress free it was until now. 

I'm sure you're asking, “Okay, if it's so great then, what are the benefits?” Well, I tell you. 

1. You freaking live longer! – Three women who have reached their one hundreds have said that the secret to their long life is eating right, sleeping enough and avoiding men. Yes, these three women have never gotten married. It's already proven that women live longer than men, but now it's also proven that women can live EVEN LONGER without them! 

2. You won't have to deal with pointless drama! – Your boyfriend will cheat on you. I think that's clear. He will use you, abuse you and throw you away. That's the truth of the matter. So why you want to put up with the nonsense, when you can avoid it all together. The only heartbreak you can ever experience that is when the girl dies in “Bridge To Terabithia”. And, wouldn't it be amazing to just sit back, and watch relationship drama unfold before your eyes? Knowing you'll never experience that? 

At my school, they had this Valentines dance and obviously, I didn't go. Not because I didn't have a date (or want one) but because I don't entertain that nonsense. Anyway, I stayed home and watched “Kill Bill”. Both volumes. 

I went to school the next day (who holds a dance on a Thursday anyway?) and asked how was it. It turns out, a couple of boys cheated on their dates, a few girls passed out after their drinks were spiked by boys and some dad punched her daughter for being drunk. Even though it would have been entertaining to watch, I am just glad that I wasn't involved  in that mess. 

3. Your only priority is yourself! – You won't have to do his washing, clean after his disgusting messes, go do his errands, worry about his safety or share a bed. You can worry about yourself and your life. You can build yourself a career, make lots of money and spend it on yourself and basically be in charge of your life only. You don't have to worry if he'll like the new shirt you got him or not. You don't have to remember to wash his boxers by hand. And you don't have to sacrifice the last slice of pizza!

Those are just a few of the reasons why it's better to not date ever! Trust me, it's better to watch the drama in relationships than be in it. And besides, relationships never last. Why are you wasting your time? 

This was quite a short post but I think I got my point across. See you next time, and don't forget to masterdate! 

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