Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Benefits of MasterDating

Masturdating (verb):
 1. The act of doing activities, usually performed in relationships, with oneself.
2. Dating yourself

I have been an asexual for my entire life now, and I haven't realized how amazing and stress free it was until now. 

I'm sure you're asking, “Okay, if it's so great then, what are the benefits?” Well, I tell you. 

1. You freaking live longer! – Three women who have reached their one hundreds have said that the secret to their long life is eating right, sleeping enough and avoiding men. Yes, these three women have never gotten married. It's already proven that women live longer than men, but now it's also proven that women can live EVEN LONGER without them! 

2. You won't have to deal with pointless drama! – Your boyfriend will cheat on you. I think that's clear. He will use you, abuse you and throw you away. That's the truth of the matter. So why you want to put up with the nonsense, when you can avoid it all together. The only heartbreak you can ever experience that is when the girl dies in “Bridge To Terabithia”. And, wouldn't it be amazing to just sit back, and watch relationship drama unfold before your eyes? Knowing you'll never experience that? 

At my school, they had this Valentines dance and obviously, I didn't go. Not because I didn't have a date (or want one) but because I don't entertain that nonsense. Anyway, I stayed home and watched “Kill Bill”. Both volumes. 

I went to school the next day (who holds a dance on a Thursday anyway?) and asked how was it. It turns out, a couple of boys cheated on their dates, a few girls passed out after their drinks were spiked by boys and some dad punched her daughter for being drunk. Even though it would have been entertaining to watch, I am just glad that I wasn't involved  in that mess. 

3. Your only priority is yourself! – You won't have to do his washing, clean after his disgusting messes, go do his errands, worry about his safety or share a bed. You can worry about yourself and your life. You can build yourself a career, make lots of money and spend it on yourself and basically be in charge of your life only. You don't have to worry if he'll like the new shirt you got him or not. You don't have to remember to wash his boxers by hand. And you don't have to sacrifice the last slice of pizza!

Those are just a few of the reasons why it's better to not date ever! Trust me, it's better to watch the drama in relationships than be in it. And besides, relationships never last. Why are you wasting your time? 

This was quite a short post but I think I got my point across. See you next time, and don't forget to masterdate! 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Brock Allen Turner: Another Man That Got Away With Rape

The People vs Brock Turner is one of the most disgusting, infuriating, disappointing rape cases I have  ever read about. It properly demonstrates the cancer that is male privilege.

Brock Allen Turner had raped an unconscious, 23-year-old woman behind a dumpster in Stanford University, Ohio. He was stopped when two students had caught him in the act and he was charged with three counts of sexual assault. Normally, he would get 15 years in prison for this crime, but apparently that disgusting judge thought it would affect him and gave him a lesser sentence of 6 months. 

That judge thought that if he served full-time for the horrendous crime he committed, it would affect him... 

Brock and his team had brought up the fact that Brock was a stellar swimmer on his swim team and that he was aspiring to go to the Olympics. So because of that, the judge thought giving him the full sentence was unfair. Please let that sink in. 

So that judge didn't care that the woman that he had raped was affected, mentally and emotionally but cared for a white rapist because he wanted to go to the Olympics. How messed up is this world's justice system?

Oscar Pestorious brutally murdered his girlfriend the night before Valentines Day. We know he shot her. Accidentally or not, he shot her. He should have at least gotten 25 years. But no, he got 5 years which was then reduced to 3 years. He's out now. At home, free and happy. Meanwhile, his girlfriend's family will never get the closure they need. 

What's similar between these two cases is that the justice system cared more for a rich man than the poor woman who had to suffer because of the man's demented mindset. And then they all wonder why when women decide to take revenge and such. 

And you know what's funny? There was a case similar to Brock's recently where this time a black male had raped an unconscious woman, but he got the full sentence. 15 years. 

I hate all men, but if I had to choose a specific type of man that I hated it would be a white, cisgender, straight, Christian man. 

I was very disgusted when I heard and read about these cases. Theses type of things happen way too often and it just makes me hate the scum that is men even more. When I turn 18, I'm learning how to castrate. 

Before I end this post, I would like to give an update on my pedophile experience. My friend started feeling like I did around him, reported him and was assured that she could move classes. Well, actually all they did was tell everyone in the class to stop talking about it and stop 'assuming'. Yup. Blunt. At this point I'm over it. I'm not even gonna wastes my time caring about that man. He'll get his eventually. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's a Vagina, Not a Cat!

Vagina. Vagina. Vagina...

Men seem to be very uncomfortable saying it. Vagina. What's so weird about that? Oh, is it because it's a woman's body part? Well fuck you then!

Men have created the most demeaning and insulting alternative names for vagina. To name a few would be 'kitty', 'kitty-cat', 'coochy' and let's not forget the worst of them all, 'pussy'. I just hate that word, 'pussy'. And they're so proud saying it. Like, “Me and Mandy went there, man. She gave me that pussy!” They say as if...I don't even know how to explain it. Almost as if it's theirs from the get-go. “She gave me that pussy.” So you own it now? Yeah, no.

And since when did cats have anything to do with vaginas? Has anyone ever wondered that? Like, we don't call penises 'doggies' or 'pucheys'. So what's with the cat references? Please someone tell me, I'm genuinely curious as to why in the world are vaginas given cat names.

Anyway, it's like men just can't muster up the nerve to just say vagina. Like it's almost a bad word. And we women have become so accustomed to this that we, ourselves do it. I'm not talking about song lyrics, maybe they say those words just for the sake of rhyming. But women all over the world use these disgusting words that really demean us.

And also, when us women use these demeaning words, men seem to still get uncomfortable. The words that YOU created make you uncomfortable? Same goes for breasts or boobs, if you will. Words like 'titties' or 'watermelons' are frequently used by the pigs. But God forbid a women using it, even out of fun. For instance, I was watching an interview Conan did with Kesha. She was explaining how she wrote music with her breasts. When she said the word 'boobs', he instantly corrected her, calling them breasts. But being the goof she is, she went further to call them her titties. He then laughed and added how he 'should have stopped at boobs'. Although most find it funny, I find it strange how a word he uses almost everyday, makes him uncomfortable.

And while we're on the topic of private parts, PERIODS! What is it with men and periods? Blood coming out of our vaginas? You don't see us running when white goo squirts from your penis! Some even swallow (I am shameless). I saw a picture that read, “What if men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods?” Beautifully said! What if!? If that was the case, there would be little to no rape. And what's the big deal about periods? Honey, we can bleed for five days, no sweat. You can't even have a cold for five days. Who's weak now?

My point is that men have this thing where they try to make women feel ashamed of their body. Cunt means vagina. What's so insulting about that? Men get called dicks all the time but don't care. So why should we care about being called vaginas? Heck, I even call myself a sweet cunt. It's my thing now. Even my friends use it on themselves. Maybe you should too.

Also, stop being embarrassed if you're on your period. It's not like no one knows a woman get's her period. It's very sad seeing a girl get nervous when talking about periods, especially around men. We should be taught to embrace our bodies and it's cycles instead of being taught to be ashamed and hide it. Because our bodies are beautiful. If men can walk around, high and mighty, proud of their penis, then we should walk around proud of our vaginas.

To end this off, I would like to say that I've started to use demeaning names for men. For example 'dickie', 'penis carrier' and other stuff. Sure one might say that it's stupid and childish, but frankly, I don't give a shit. It's funny for me. And the reactions I get... Feels good to throw shit back at men.

Anyway, bye! See you in my next post. Stay proud of your vaginas!