Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Myth of Reverse Sexism

The idea of reverse sexism is just a card that men only use when they don't get their way. It is the bogus idea that women opress men in the way men to towards us. And that we dehumanize them the way that they have done to us for all these years.

Firstly, the only reason men say that they are 'oppressed' is because women are getting the rights that they have had all along. Their thirst for power and superiority is so strong that they'll go as far as to compare women getting more rights to men treating women like objects that they can play with and throw out when they're done. These two things are incomparable. Women have suffered because of the patriarchal mindset of men.

And not only is 'Reverse Sexism' stupid, it is also a lie. Let's start with the name. 'Reverse Sexism'? Should the thing reverse to sexism be equality? Or am I reading it wrong? The fact that men are so uncreative they can't even think of a new name says a lot.

Now let's get to the whole idea of it. Women opressing men. Yeah, because women being able to vote, run the country, own businesses, be successful artists and basically have the same rights as men is opression. Even today, women are undermined because of their gender. There is no equal pay, very few portrayals of strong women in films, rape, unfair justice and sexual harassment.

Men are the reasons for this. They are always the reason. You'll never hear a story about a woman raping another woman. Because we respect each other. Because we know how it feels. Men don't care. All they want is a free sex machine. Chew her up and spit her out when he's done.

Women finally catch wind of this after so many years and decide to fight back. “Reverse
Sexism”! Oh no! Now men can't use women for their bodies anymore! They are so oppressed! It is so sad! Yeah, no...

The real reason why men have created the 'Reverse Sexism' bull crap is because they have realized that they cannot toy with our minds anymore. They know we know how to fight back. They know that more and more women are against marriage. And therefore, they can't handle it. They can't take what they dish out. They can't handle women not wanting them.

Men only care about one thing. Their penises aka their brains. They aren't fighting for equality. They aren't fighting for men's rights. There is no such. They are fighting for their boners. Which is why we won't give them the satisfaction. We won't give them sex. We won't even date them. Or be friends with them. Because men are only friends with women to have sex with them eventually.

In conclusion, when men mention 'Reverse Sexism' it is because they feel threatened by you and your strength. They are not oppressed, they are just scared. But do not ever feel ashamed of your strength and power. Ever.

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